Auto Jumble and Tech Session
April 21

Saturday, April 21st wasn't the warmest, sunniest spring day we've had along the Wasatch, but it was still pleasant. A stray sprinkle of rain didn't slow things down at the swap meet and tech session held at Bailey's shop in Murray. A number of folks arrived with treasures to offer and a number of folks showed up looking for deals. Many bits departed the premises under new ownership.

At 11, Pat Wright from Redline Oil gave a talk on various lubrication issues, He gave away stickers and information and a few samples of their product to an appreciative audience. The smoke filling the shop was not from some British iron burning oil, but from some charcoal getting ignited. The offending combustion device was moved to adjust for the shifting breeze, and the talk continued.

After the tech session various food and beverages were sampled, as a couple of grills were fired up, bags of chips and tubs of beans and salad were opened, as folks cooked up what they had brought for the picnic portion of the day.

Attending the event was Mike Bailey, the host, of course, Mitch Johnson, Jon Hermance, Gary Lindstrom, Dion Dostaler, Sue Cogger, Mike Odernheimer, Larry Farrington, John Progess, Paul Jaroch, Dave Marks, Jim Stover, Geoffrey Co??, Duff Lawson, Dan Forster, Rob Foye, Ed Oblad, Marty van Nood, Rob Green, Eric Achter, Steve C??, Bob Allred, Mark Bradakis.

--Mark Bradakis

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