All You'll Need To Know About British Electrical Systems
J. Jennings

This long awaited tech session was a joint event with the Wasatch Mountain Jaguar Register. J. Jennings (known as Jay) covered the basics of electricity, the Lucas color code system, common failure points, trouble shooting, and good maintenance practices. J. pointed out that all electrical devices in our pre-computer cars are either lamps or magnets (including motors, generators, and coils). He emphasized that the small number of fuses in our 50's and 60's era cars dictate that extra fuses be put in line to isolate problems and aid in fault location. Careful planning should precede the addition of modern "upgrades" such as entertainment systems and high powered headlamps, since the existing wiring may not be up to the additional demands. J. emphasized that connections are the biggest source of electrical problems, and soldered wire tips, clean connectors, and dielectric grease are the main defenses against subsequent failures. Discussion was lively as attendees reported their own experiences, suggestions, and good/hard luck stories.

Those in attendance included Gary Lindstrom, Steve Abner, John Progess, Clayton Merchant, Mitch Johnson, Rob Foye, John Foye, George A. Schmidt, Duff Lawson, Chris Dunbeck, Carl Lindley, Brent Anderson, Glen Hawkins, Roland Held, Wes Adams, Mark J. Bradakis, Bob Widman, Larry Farrington, Dave Maxwell, Duane Allred, Al Gordon, Larry Bishop, Jon Hermance, Dennis Hoagland, Crraig Mossberg, Lous Perez, Eric Achter, Steven G. Nelson, and Mike Bailey.